Friday, May 16, 2014

How to Make Sure Your Sales Page Coverts Before You Even Write a Word

I love going onto online entrepreneurial forums and reading posts about copywriting.  One of the things that encourages me to keep writing copy is when
people post things like:

“Easy Steps to Writing Converting Sales Copy”


“The Simple System to Writing Ad Copy— So Easy a Moron Could Do It”

The reason why I love reading posts like this is because it makes my job far more secure than it already is.  The fact that the majority of people will take the easy way out and try to side-step the process of learning, writing, rewriting, studying, getting a good mentor, buying courses - using the tar out of them, while spending a copious amount of time writing some more, kinda makes me feel special .

Because the fact of the matter is, that writing advertising copy is like any other skill, it takes a lot of time, effort, patience , perseverance and good teachers to be world class, or at least good enough to lead a prospect through a sales process and convert him or her into a sale, plain and simple.

But, for those that are skeptical, let me point out a few for-instances that might convince you that I’m telling you the truth.  I know what you’re thinking, “He’s just saying this so I won’t write my own ad copy and hire him instead.”

If only it were that easy!

Yeah, I Fell For It!

While it is true I am a freelance copywriter, I would like to point out that I too, originally bought into the idea that you could take a single course and master the art.  I took a course from a reputable ad copy and marketing guru, fully expecting to “master” the skills and techniques by taking the one course. 

My first attempt at ad copy was anything less than spectacular, and looking back I can see that there were several reasons for this.  First of all, the product that I was selling online was in a niche that had a large audience and I failed to find a “niche within a niche” that would be far easier to target. 

But that wasn't the only mistake that I made.  The biggest mistake I made was not defining and understanding the difference between the benefits of my product and its features.    Without a clear road map showing prospects how my product would benefit them, I was dead in the water.  So, I clearly didn't have an understanding of my own product or how to benefit my prospective customers.

You need to know your product and service inside and out.  You need to read every bit of literature on the business, you need to use the product, and interview people that have used it as well as talk to people that work in the company (unless it is your own business you are writing about.)

Another fundamental and huge mistake I made, was I did not have a clear picture of what my ideal customer was like.  I forgot the marketing commandment of “Thou Shall Not Market To Everyone”.  So I had absolutely no idea what kept my prospects up at night or what they were afraid of.

Take a look at how Dan Kennedy describes how criminals find their Target Market:

The bottom line of all of this is that before you even write a word of ad copy you need to do background intel on your prospects or customers.  

Without that, you can’t even get started!

Once you have all of that background you can actually start to craft your sales letter, and you’ll have a much better chance of writing copy prospects can relate to.

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