Sunday, March 1, 2015

Dirt Cheap Web Savvy Newsletters That Will Make Your Marketing Magnetic!

If you are going to write a newsletter to run your Web-Savvy, Dirt-Cheap Internet business then you’re going to have to think of how to use it effectively ahead of time.  There are three key questions that need to be answered if you’re going to use this strategy:

What are you going to write about?

What is my scheduling frequency going to be like?

When am I going to sit down to write it?

Writing With Your Audience in Mind Using the Magazine Example

Just like blogging, writing eBooks, and all other forms of marketing messages, it’s not all about YOU.  You need to be more concerned about what your readers want to hear than anything else.  A good example of this is your standard magazine.  If you look through most magazines, you’ll see that they are targeted to specific audiences and of course, they serve a specific niche. 

So if you are reading Mother Earth News, you’ll notice that there are homesteading articles, articles about farming, raising domestic animals, etc.  Those are articles that people which are interested in that niche read.  Inside each of those magazines, there are advertisements.  Those ads are related to the niche the magazine is dedicated to.  You won’t see advertisements about model airplanes in a magazine about doll collecting. 

It’s the same with your newsletter. You can advertise your wares there, just make sure that you’re providing articles and ideas that your clients will find value in.  If you’re going to promote your business, just make sure that you don’t over hype it in the newsletter. People usually don’t like to be sold to when you are running your newsletter on the premise of trying to help them with free information.

So, if you are running ads, you want to make sure that you are not sending them an advertisement, but a newsletter that will help them.

How Often Should I Send Out A Newsletter?

There are no rules to this game, therefore you can send out your newsletter as often as you like.  I
think the main thing to worry about is the quality of your newsletter.  If you are sending out a poorly written, unorganized newsletter, then chances are you’ll be wasting your time.  So the frequency isn’t nearly as important as the quality of your publication. 

However, if you have to come up with a time frame, I’d say at least once a month will do it.  If you are sending out newsletters through email, you can send shorter versions of them alerting your readers to blog posts and videos of interest to them.  This way, you can write shorter and more frequent email newsletters. 

Tip:  Here’s a strategy for you.  I subscribe to Seth Godin’s newsletter and he has a clever method of writing his newsletter.  Just about every day, he writes a post for his blog, and that post doubles as his newsletter which arrives in subscriber’s mail boxes each day.  The posts are usually not more than a couple hundred words in length, but it is very well written.  There are never any advertisements, except once he sent a notice letting subscribers know that they could get a book of his on audio for free.

However, that is an excellent strategy.  Let your blog posts double as newsletter material, when you write them. 

But I Don’t Have Time To Write A Newsletter!

Well, if you want to have a monthly newsletter, a good way to do that would be to plan 12 newsletters all at once.  Sit down for a few days, and plan out a table of contents for all of them. 
Then you could do one of several things:

Idea 1 – Use your Table of Contents for each newsletter and record your articles into a digital audio recorder.  Then send them to an online transcriber so that they can type them up and send them to you in a word processor format. 

Idea 2 – Using the table of contents above, use voice recognition software to write your subjects quickly using your voice.  I have used Dragon Naturally Speaking and it is EXCELLENT!

Idea 3 – Hire a ghost writer.  Give them the table of contents and tell them to go to town on it. However, you will have to hire and pay someone to write your newsletters.  This may not be seen as a dirt-cheap method, but when you add up your precious time that you’d have to spend writing your own, the money you may have to fork over to have them written is well worth it.

Putting a Subscription on Your Newsletter

If your newsletter ever gets real popular, you can actually start charging a monthly subscription. Dan Kennedy has a monthly newsletter that’s known world-wide and is world-class!  It will run you pretty close to $30.00 a month, but it is loaded with all sorts of goodies, to include CD’s and marketing tools you can use right out of the box.  But, once again, that is a high-end newsletter.

Yes, you can charge for an online newsletter, but you’ll have to produce excellent material for it.  But, people do make money from their newsletters and get marketing value from them at the same time.

To Your Success!

Mark “Elmo” Ellis
"When it Comes to High-Response Copy - I've Got Your Back!"
(859) 797-9560

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