Today, I’m going to switch things up a bit.
I’m not going to talk about what web savvy, slick tools you
can use to generate traffic to your site.
Instead, I’m gonna tell you about the most important thing you are going
to need to survive in business.
I’m an active participant in the Warrior Forum. The WF is probably the most active Internet
marketing forum on the planet right now.
Probably because the seats are so cheap.
You can get a lifetime membership for $10.00. Not bad.
I've written about this forum and others more extensively in
the past, and you can read that post here:
The Reason I’m bringing up this venue is because the other
day, I noticed there were quite a few people on that forum that were a certain
class of people. These folk show up all
over the Internet. On forums, blogs, and
social media sites.
For some weird reason, they are rather shameless in their
brazen messages, and they don’t care how much abuse they take from people
reacting to them. They just keep on
broadcasting, no matter what.
Of course, the people I’m talking about are the habitual
These folks, instead of writing extensive posts on their
blogs or websites, spend their valuable time and efforts complaining about how
something didn't work. How Internet
marketing doesn't work, or how they’re sick of hearing people give them the
same advice over and over again, or how they lost money, yada, yada, yada…
It’s as if they think they’ll actually start succeeding if
they keep complaining.
It ain't gonna happen that way.
And the sad fact is that there are a number of people on
that site that’ll actually waste their time trying to help them. My advice to those people is: Don’t waste
your time.
I've owned online and offline businesses and the downside to
owning a business is that it’s not like a job.
With a job, you down have all the responsibilities of
running the company. You’re not the one
that has to make payroll for everyone in the company, make sound decisions
about which direction the company is going to go, spend money on marketing, and
have health insurance for your employees, and all of the other stressful
responsibilities that go with running an enterprise.
Usually with a job, you don’t have to do all of those
functions. You have a certain set of
things you do for the company and that’s it.
But if you are an owner, you have a very full plate.
It’s like Spiderman’s uncle said, “With great power comes
great responsibility.”
So, if you are going to whine and cry about the “Internet
Gods” not favoring you, go find something else to do. Because business, (no matter what type it is)
is a full-tilt, 10 million pound behemoth that you’ll have to battle with every
Failure is Absolutely Necessary
If you are going to be an entrepreneur, you are going to
fail and you’ll probably fail a lot.
I’m sure you’ve heard of Thomas Edison’s most famous quote, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't
I guess it's all how you look at it.
So, failure is essential to learning. Ask any musician, artist, writer, engineer,
or business person. Especially, when you
are new to having your own business, failure is essential. I’m not saying to go out and deliberately try
to be a failure, I’m saying that it’s a part of the process.
If you’re not failing, you’re not trying, plain and
Why Dirt Cheap is So
If you’ve been following this blog, you’ll notice that I’ve
talked an awful lot about using “dirt-cheap” methods of starting businesses and
marketing. There is a method to my
madness. For one thing if you start
small, cheap and SMART, you’re reducing your risk dramatically.
Thanks to the Internet, gone are the days of having to take
out huge sums of money to start a business.
You can start a business anywhere from home and actually make a
living. And you can also do business globally.
You won’t have to worry about having a lot of money or
taking out a loan. That’s the beauty of
this method, and it’s low stress.
This makes it extremely easy to start a business. It no
longer matters how young or old you are, whether you’re a cripple or Chuck
Norris, the door to prosperity is wide open.
That is, if you have the guts, knowledge and DETERMINATION
to keep on truckin’!

But, you will fail.
Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that they've had many more
failures than successes. That is just the
nature of any business or endeavor and you’ll have to face that demon on a
daily basis.
So keep swinging that bat, keep playing that horn, keep busting
your butt, because that’s the only way you’ll ever learn enough to outlast people
that just don’t have the will to stick it out.
To Your Success
Mark “Elmo” Ellis
"When it Comes to High-Response Copy - I've Got Your Back!"
(859) 797-9560
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